








Candidates were asked to submit a letter of interest describing why they wish to serve and should be selected for appointment.

我是一个富有同情心的学习者和经验丰富的教育者,最近才了解到这个职位. 谢谢你把它发送给整个SPS社区. 它显示了我们地区的公平镜头的价值.

我目前在白玉兰小学工作, 一所以公平实践为基础的学校. 我本人在教育领域有近15年的经验. I have taught in the most culturally diverse zip codes in Seattle and the most economically diverse schools.

我渴望把我的经验带到安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行. I would be grateful for the chance to make a true change in the disparages I have experienced across the district.




Certified 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 teacher inspired to support struggling literacy programs and close the equity gap. 有数据分析和技术实施经验.


西雅图城市大学(Bellevue, WA) 2010年5月
M.I.T. 基础教育,K-8教师证书

佐治亚州立大学(Atlanta, GA) 2007年12月
B.A. 言语交际,公共和政治集中



  • 种族平等团队的积极成员
  • 领导员工的专业发展
  • 文化和气候委员会的领导成员
  • Participated in reframing vision of the building as well as a cultivating new learner profile of students


  • Established learning communities in a variety of subject areas including Reading Intervention, ELA
  • Cultivated a multi-age classroom focused on intensive reading intervention models including ACCESS
  • Lead workshops based on best teaching practices for reading instruction during Summer Institutes
  • Modeled student goal setting conferences and data interpretation for other reading intervention teachers
  • 指导来自华盛顿大学教师预备项目的教师候选人
  • 实施并完成学校内的技术更新项目
  • 参加各种基于干预方法的专业发展课程

K-5音乐教师,APP - ALO - SPED
S.T.E.M. 基础课教师

  • 计划课程,每天8节课,500多名学生在三周的周期
  • 熟练管理各种专业学习项目
  • Facilitated assessments and prepped students for final projects submitted to major organizations
  • 改进课堂技术以满足学生的需求

Van Asselt小学(西雅图,WA) 2009年9月- 2010年3月

  • 管理一个由25名不同水平的学生组成的班级
  • 开发设计的课程,以满足学术标准和学生的智力需求
  • 采用动觉, 视觉, 听觉方法课程既有趣又互动
  • 通过应用阅读和写作工作坊,支持一个平衡的阅读计划
  • 通过实施不同的教学策略促进学术发展
  • 根据高杠杆教学动作授课
  • 在所有可用的教学方法中注重技术集成


索尼音乐(亚特兰大,乔治亚州)2002年1月- 2007年12月

  • Maintained relationships with a variety of retail accounts linking musical artists and physical locations
  • 在提交纽约办事处审查的每周进度报告中概述了所做的努力


What is your connection to the 第2区总监 or 4 community, schools, 家庭, and students? How do you foresee growing or expanding on those connections and relationships in your role as a 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 Director?

我觉得自己与2区局长有着千丝万缕的联系. 我支持探索之友公园的环境. 我在这个地区领导一个女童子军来支持这个社区. I know many 家庭 from a CoOp preschool program and students from teaching kindergarten age children. 我自己的孩子也在上学. 我曾为我在该地区需要帮助的家人辩护.

What is your understanding of the role and responsibilities of a 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 Director and the Seattle 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行? 你如何预见与你的董事同仁、总监、职员和公众一起工作?

The roles and responsibilities of a school board director include working together with the superintendent, 协助地区的愿景和使命, 制定政策, 调整预算的细微差别, 为社区代表服务, 了解地区实现其目标的进展情况. 此外,我还必须提到,董事会应该寻求通过股权视角来运作.

第一个, anyone taking this position would learn the history and progress historically made by the school board and seek to work towards furthering goals in the most collaborative efforts possible.

下一个, shaping the vision towards the best possible outcomes for future leaders in society would be an excellent place to start.

最后, communication and representation of all stakeholder voices are important to decide any matter as the lives of the most important children, 集体整体, 危在旦夕.

Describe the areas of strength you bring to collaboration and building positive working relationships with fellow Board directors.

To first build the blocks for authentic collaborative efforts one must start by getting to know the people involved in the collaboration. 人际关系至关重要. 学习气候和文化对于平等地发出所有声音至关重要. Clear understanding of the long term vision and how everyone can become adaptable to the outcomes that may arise. All of these skills must be nutured inside the established meeting space as well as outside in the community.

Please give an example of how you have addressed conflict and overcame it to build alignment as a member of a group decision-making body.

在工作场所,我总是试图以解决方案为中心来解决冲突. 这是我实践中的一个例子, a fellow educator felt threatened by me having had been in the workspace a bit longer than myself. 我们计划了一个见面的时间,进行开诚布公的交流. We were able to keep the conversation solution focused and give time for each stakeholder to be heard. 最后,这些都是我们能够成功执行的解决方案.

校董会政策编号, 0030, 确保教育和种族平等, 包括以下承诺:

The Seattle 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 is committed to the success of every student in each of our schools and to achieving our mission of ensuring that all students graduate ready for college, 事业与生活. 我们相信学生成功的责任是由学区员工广泛分享的, 管理员, 教练, 社区和家庭. We are focused on closing the opportunity gap and creating learning communities that provide support and academic enrichment programs for all students. 另外, we believe that it is the right of every student to have an equitable educational experience within the Seattle Public School District.


作为亚特兰大历史悠久的黑人学校的学生, 我相信对集体价值的基本理解. 在布卢姆之前,马斯洛的思想. 目前, as a LAP Interventionist I choose to spend my hours closing gaps of students furthest from educational justice. 与学生一起在过程和结果中寻找乐趣, 家庭, 导师和管理人员.

The Seattle 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 has set three goals for student outcomes with accompanying metrics that serve as broader indicators of the school system’s performance. 提供你对设定目标和监控进度如何影响学生成功的见解.

My direct experience with students farthest from educational justice stems from a reading intervention program adopted and used by the district in the past. The visible goal setting experience with black boys was extremely valuable to their overall confidence in learning. 在看到需要取得的进展之后, they were able to challenge themselves to work harder and complete to stay on track with the learning of nationwide peers.

Please share your knowledge and/or thoughts on an ongoing educational issue that is a high priority for you. 你如何看待董事会在这个问题上的作用?

An ongoing educational issue that seems extremely pressing is the mental health of many students in the district. 对于孩子和年轻人来说,2024年的生活似乎更具挑战性. 希望额外的培训可以列入预算. This training could allow all staff to be trained to talk to a kids and young adults about how they are feeling and additional ways to screen for mental health flags.