





当哥伦布于1492年到达巴哈马群岛时, 1497年乔瓦尼·卡博托(John Cabot)登陆北美大陆, 他们到达了一片辽阔的土地, 但同时也是在一个同样广阔多样的文化景观中,这个文化景观已经进化了一万年.

最早证实的北美定居的考古证据来自两个不同的地点, 一个在宾夕法尼亚州,一个在智利. Meadowcroft Rockshelter, 在匹兹堡西南35英里处, 连续使用了几个世纪,但在独立战争期间被印度人抛弃了. 业余考古学家, 阿尔伯特·米勒, first discovered artifacts in a groundhog burrow there in the 1950s, 但直到20世纪70年代,匹兹堡大学的一个团队才对该遗址进行了适当的挖掘. What they found was an unbroken record of human habitation that may stretch back 19,000 years. 工具、骨头、营地和个人物品都被发现了. 已确定存在149种动物, 还有早期种植南瓜的证据, 玉米, 和豆类.

智利的Monte Verde遗址, 也是在20世纪70年代出土的, 这是一个罕见的发现:一个相对完整的村庄,在有人居住后不久就被泥炭沼泽中上涨的水淹没,因此被保存在一种厌氧琥珀中. Like the Meadowcroft site, Monte Verde has been dated to as many as 19,1000年前. Together the sites are important and do more than help us understand how and when North America was settled; they also show that there were people in North America well before the Bering land bridge formed about 10,1000年前, 这使得北美主要是由亚洲流浪者在桥上定居的理论陷入了争议. Indian stories about our own origins almost all claim we came into being in our native lands.

The questions archaeology is struggling to explain—When and how was North America settled? Did the first people come across 这片土地 bridge 10,1000年前? Or on earlier land bridges formed 30,1000年前 before sea levels rose once again? 早些时候从亚洲乘船来的? 来自北欧? 以上都是? 人类真的有多个起源吗?正在进行的基因研究正在迅速回答这些问题. 这项研究表明,史前印第安人与亚洲人有很多共同的DNA, 令人惊讶的是, 也有欧洲人口. 很有可能欧洲人移居到远东亚洲,与那里的居民混在一起,他们的后代在1930年之间穿越到新大陆,000和20,1000年前. But this is all the science of migration, not the history of peoples.

Most Indians do not see themselves as merely the first in a long series of arrivals to North America; they see themselves as indigenous. And the belief in tribal indigeneity is crucial to understanding modern Indian realities. 印度人的文化理解是我们一直在这里,我们对自己在这个世界上的位置的控制——更不用说我们对这个地方的叙述和历史的控制——这种修辞上的立场已经被深刻而不公正地侵蚀了.

(大卫的忠诚.The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: Native America from 1890 to the Present. Riverhead Books, 2019.)

时间的关键概念, 连续性, and Change (The Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian)


American Indians have lived in the Western Hemisphere for at least 15,000–20,000 years.

西半球充满了多样性, 成熟的, and complex societies that interacted with one another over millennia.

美国印第安人的历史不是单一的,也不是永恒的. American Indian cultures have always adapted and changed in response to environmental, 经济, 社会, 还有其他因素. American Indian cultures and people are fully engaged in the modern world.

American Indians employed a variety of methods to record and preserve their histories.

与欧洲人的接触导致了毁灭性的生命损失, 打破传统, 美国印第安人失去了大量的土地.


Indian perspectives expand the 社会, political, and 经济 dialogue.

Indigenous people played a significant role in the history of the Americas. 这些历史上重要的事件和发展在美洲塑造了现代世界.



“自古以来”这句话在印度很常见. “从第一缕晨光开始”, “自古以来,和其他类似的术语同义使用. 考虑在你使用的任何时间轴或显示器的开头加上“自古以来”这句话.

美国的土著民族不被认为是“种族群体”,因此在许多学术领域与种族研究是分开的, 包括华盛顿大学. 他们是拥有主权的土著民族,与当地有着独特的政府对政府关系, 状态, 联邦政府.  没有一个美国族群拥有这种地位. 华盛顿州在《正规的棋牌平台排行榜》第5节中明确规定了种族研究:“立法机构不打算在本法案中取代《安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行》, 根据RCW 28A的要求发展.320.170 (1) (b).

Avoid using “Pre-Columbian” when referring to the ancient histories of the Americas. 相反,使用“precontact”或“precolonial”.” While all three terms continue to define indigenous history based on European contact, 后者通常被认为更有礼貌.

挑战白令陆桥理论. Our textbooks erroneously present it as fact or the prevailing theory. 自2014年以来,我们发现了很多东西,这是我们中学历史教科书的最新版本. Moreover, the theory has been disproven in scientific arenas too numerous to mention here. There are many theories about when, how, and how often this land was peopled. 如果合适的话,分享不同的理论. The traditional Native belief is that Native peoples were created on this land, just as Judeo- Christian creation stories teach about their own origins.


Avoid using written language as a criterion for defining civilization. 这就排除了世界各地的土著文化和口头文化.

Southern Lushootseed font (Sl leSucit) has been installed on all SPS computers and laptops.

图腾柱是太平洋沿岸部落独有的.  欢迎杆是内陆海岸萨利希部落特有的. In any case, they are a form of familial and territorial identification. 用硬纸卷做是一种侮辱, 身材矮小的, 而忽略了他们真正的目的.

The term “American Indian” is a legal term for indigenous tribes within the United States (e.g., 印第安人事务局, 印度教育局, though both “Native American” and “American Indian” are used in legislation. Many Pacific Northwest Tribes use the term “Indian” as their official tribal names (e.g.(图拉利普印第安人部落). “印第安人”一词起源于20世纪60年代和70年代的政治运动,现在在土著社区中不再受欢迎. (所有的印度人都住在提皮斯吗? 第二版,史密森尼图书,2018年)

从历史上看, tribes in the Northwest had villages over vast geographic areas; there was rarely a singular territory for a singular people. 殖民地的“不动产式”边界被编成法典,规定几个民族住在一个保留地.

教世界宗教的时候, 你可以归纳如下:自古以来, tribal people have acknowledged “The Creator” as the originator of all life on Earth, 萨哈普廷语的“罪恶与Ki”, 喀斯喀特山脉以东的语系.

There is no separation of church and 状态 in tribal government. 关怀他人的精神部落承诺, 这片土地, 水, and all life is what philosophically drives tribal governmental decisions.

正规的棋牌平台排行榜’ Native American Education program is also called Huchoosedah, 这是一个南方的Lushootseed词,大致翻译为向某人分享或传授知识的行为.


  • 伯尼•白
  • 乔·德拉克鲁兹
  • 珍妮特McCloud
  • 汉克•亚当斯
  • 班纳特拉蒙纳
  • 小比利·弗兰克.
  • 汉堡王乔治
  • 大卫Sohappy
  • 还有很多其他的.

永远不要以任何理由给你的学生起“印度名字”. Name giving is a sacred act and not merely the assignment of a legal name. Name giving criteria is different from tribe to tribe and region to region.

Give your identified Native students a “heads up” on upcoming Native content. Have a conversation with them about what is important for you to know about them.

永远不要问血统(你有多少印度血统)?). 血量子制是美国联邦政府为了减少印第安人加入联邦承认的部落而提出的种族主义构想.

当你在课堂上使用土著艺术家的作品或录音时,一定要注明他们的部落归属. Stories and songs, as well as visual art, are intellectual property of the artist. 以避免文化挪用的风险, non-Native educators should avoid putting native designs on non-Native objects. 根据1990年《正规的棋牌平台排行榜》,土著艺术家的作品受到联邦政府的保护.

永远不要把部落的服饰称为“服装”.“服装是用来假装和娱乐的. 标记, 另一方面, 是部落成员在正式和仪式上穿的吗, 比赛(舞蹈比赛). for example), and other culturally or spiritually significant times.  This is, in part, why Indian costumes at Halloween are so offensive.

Avoid calling Native oral histories and stories “myths” or “legends.“它贬低了它们的重要性.  传统信仰认为这些教义是正确的.  Calling them myths is akin to calling the Judeo-Christian creation story mythological: the validity of the belief is irrelevant; the impact is offensive.

Use the current fad of assigning “spirit animals” to one’s self as a teachable moment. 除了文化挪用, it ascribes a vague quasi-religious practice to all Native cultures, which in turn perpetuates the “pan-Indian” singular identity of Native peoples. 有几十篇已发表的文章更详细地解释了为什么这种做法令人反感.

When you hear a student refer to a generic vision quest, treat it as a teaching moment. Students are likely unaware of the sacred nature of vision quests. Educate students about the deeply religious practice of vision quests.  “萨利希海的人们有着深厚的精神信仰体系,这种信仰建立在一生中对精神守护者和歌曲的追求和获取的基础上.  Boys and girls prepared for years to be ready for their first vision quest.  When ready they went to special sacred places to seek their visions and songs.  在这些日子里,一个人不吃不喝, 祈祷,歌唱,还有, 如果一个人准备得当, 一个精神向导会以动物或自然物体的形式出现,并给予他们特殊的技能或力量, 比如狩猎或勇士的勇猛, 编篮子或编织的能力, 或者是特殊的赌博或治疗能力.  These spiritual allies were considered guardians and one could gain many in their lifetime.” (卡斯卡迪亚的人们, p. 118)


If your organization wishes to use a land acknowledgment, we suggest the following:

“We would like to show our respect and acknowledge the Puget Sound Coast Salish peoples, 过去和现在, 今天我们聚集在他们的土地上. The Suquamish Tribe and Muckleshoot Indian Tribe are the federally recognized Indian tribes of greater Seattle, under the treaties of Point Elliott and Medicine Creek.”