
Transition and Adult Services (ages 16–21)


Building Real-life Independent Daily Living and Gainful Employment Skills (桥梁)


正规的棋牌平台排行榜’ 桥梁 program is designed for young adults with disabilities ages 18-21 who continue to need special education services outside of a 9th-12th grade setting/curriculum in order to meet their own unique post-secondary transition goals. Certificated special education teachers, with training in functional special education services, 是交付案例经理吗?.

愿景 of the 桥梁 program is a world where young adults with significant disabilities are living their adult lives as productive, 独立的, 参与的社区成员. 的 任务 of the 桥梁 program is to provide learning opportunities that build vocational, 社会, 独立生活能力.

This is accomplished through a combination of direct instruction and community-based activities through one of our: 桥梁项目


With the 桥梁 program adult students have the opportunity to build their skills with a variety of tasks and projects at locations such as the 华盛顿 State Talking Book and Braille Library, 瑞典医院, 社区食物银行, 当地企业, 或者紧急喂养计划. Our 资格和注册流程 web page can help you get started to determine if this program is a good fit for your student. Read more about 桥梁 eligibility 以及整个正规的棋牌平台排行榜过程.

To start the 桥梁 enrollment process for the 2023-24 school year, a student’s IEP team case manager must complete the 桥梁兴趣表格.

参观 资格和注册流程 page to view the 桥梁 enrollment timeline.

Project 搜索 at Seattle Children’s Hospital

We are lucky to have a 桥梁 1 Project 搜索 program for students in their last year of school-age eligibility who are DDA-qualified and want to work. 的 program is well-established and embedded with Seattle Children’s Hospital. 它被授予 State of 华盛顿 Governor’s Employer Award.

Project 搜索 at Seattle Children’s Hospital

桥梁 1 Project 搜索 at Seattle Children's receive Governor's Award

Continuous School Improvement Plan (C-SIP)

的 Continuous School Improvement Plan (C-SIP) is an action plan for each school that identifies the areas a school plans to focus on in the current and coming school year, the performance goals they want students to achieve, and how the school plans to collaboratively meet these goals.

的 plans are updated regularly to reflect the strategies being used at each school. This document also serves as the school-wide improvement plan for our Title I schools.


What are ways families can support their young adult?

Involvement by a student’s parents and family is crucial in assuring the successful transition from school to community.  Some ways to support your young adult in this process include:

  • Participate in planning meetings (as appropriate).
  • Assist your young adult in exploring the community in the context of possible employment options.
  • Apply for adult-service agency services such as Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA), Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), and Social Security Disability Income.
  • Go to the King County sponsored transition resource fairs in March.
  • Learn about the King County School-to-Work program.
  • Research various job vendors and employment agencies.
  • Learn about Age of Majority and Guardianship.
  • 帮助你的年轻人自我辩护.
  • Research various vocational and residential options as well as other resources. 一旦他们离开学校系统, most young adults with developmental disabilities will obtain part-time employment and will need to occupy their time in a healthy way.
  • Continue to work with your young adult on 独立的 living skills such as personal hygiene, 交通培训, 家庭护理, 还有资金管理.
  • Support compliance with business/community dress code.
  • Provide funds for community/recreational activities
  • Connect with community organizations such as the ARC of King County.
  • Be flexible, willing to take reasonable risks, and experiment

How can families support their young adult after they leave school?

One essential component of 18-21 transition programs is interagency collaboration with adult services.  当学生在学校的时候, families may have come to rely on the school system to provide training, 正规的棋牌平台排行榜, 专门保健服务, 课外活动, 等.

一旦学生离开学校, these services are no longer provided by the school district and this support must be sought out by students and families. Establishing connections with community agencies before the student leaves school is highly recommended.

的 桥梁 programs often collaborate with and make referrals to the following agencies:

Di愿景 of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)

King County Developmental Disabilities Di愿景 (DDD)



华盛顿 Initiative for Supported Employment (聪明的)